Anarchistes Anarchistes
  - (1996) Procès Marini
  - (1996) Quatre de Cordoba
  - (2001) Quatre de Luras
  - (2003) Opération "Black-Out"
  - (2003) Quatre de Valence
  - (2003) Six de Barcelone
  - (2004 - 2005) Opération Cervantes
  - (2004) Enquête sur les COR
  - (2004) Quatre de Aachen
  - (2005) Opération "Nottetempo"
  - (2005) Opération Fraria
  - (2006) Emeutes Forum Social Européen d’Athènes
  - (2006) Operation "Comitato Liberazione Sardegna"
  - (2006) Opération du 9 Février
  - (2006) Opération du Quatre Mai
  - Anonima Sarda Anarchici Insurrezionalista
  - Autres
  - Azione Rivoluzionaria Anticapitalista
  - Brigadas de la Cólera
  - Brigata 20 luglio
  - Cellule Armate per la Solidarietà Internazionale
  - Cellule contro il Capitale, il Carcere, i suoi Carcerieri e le sue Celle
  - Cellule Insorgenti Metropolitane
  - Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini (occasionalmente spettacolare)
  - Federazione Anarchica Informale
  - Fuerzas Autonómas y Destructivas León Czolgosz
  - Individus
  - Justice Anti-Etat
  - Narodnaja Volja
  - Nucleo Rivoluzionario Horst Fantazzini
  - Solidarietà Internazionale

Anti-Fascistes Anti-Fascistes
  - Pedro José Veiga Luis Pedro
  - Stuart Durkin
  - Thomas Meyer-Falk
  - Tomek Wilkoszewski
  - Volkert Van Der Graaf

Anti-Guerres Anti-Guerres
  - Barbara Smedema
  - Novaya Revolutsionaya Alternativa

Anti-Impérialistes Anti-Impérialistes
  - Action Révolutionnaire Populaire
  - Armed Resistance Unit
  - Comando Amazónico Revolucionario
  - Comando Popular Revolucionario - La Patria es Primero
  - Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas
  - Fraction Armée Révolutionnaire Libanaise
  - Front Armé Anti-Japonais d’Asie du Sud
  - Front Révolutionnaire de Libération du Peuple (DHKC)
  - Grupos de Combatientes Populares
  - Individus
  - Lutte Populaire Révolutionnaire (ELA)
  - Lutte Révolutionnaire (LA)
  - Movimiento de Accion Popular Unitario Lautaro
  - Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru
  - Movimiento Todos por la Patria
  - Organisation Révolutionnaire du 17 Novembre (17N)
  - Revolutionary Armed Task Force
  - Revolutionären Zellen
  - Symbionese Liberation Army
  - United Freedom Front

Communistes Communistes
  - Action Directe
  - Affiche Rouge
  - Armée Rouge Japonaise
  - Brigate Rosse
  - Brigate Rosse - Partito Comunista Combattente
  - Cellule di Offensiva Rivoluzionaria
  - Comando Jaramillista Morelense 23 de Mayo
  - Comando Justiciero 28 de Junio
  - Comunisti Organizzati per la Liberazione Proletaria
  - Ejército Popular Revolucionario
  - Ejército Revolucionario Popular Insurgente
  - Ejército Villista Revolucionario del Pueblo
  - Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias del Pueblo
  - Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre
  - Individus
  - Ligue Marxiste-Léniniste de Propagande Armée (MLSPB)
  - May 19 Communist Organization
  - MLKP / Forces Armées des Pauvres et Opprimés (FESK)
  - Nuclei Armati per il Comunismo - Formazioni Comuniste Combattent
  - Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria Rivoluzionaria
  - Nuclei Proletari per il Comunismo
  - Nucleo Proletario Rivoluzionario
  - Parti Communiste des Travailleurs de Turquie / Léniniste (TKEP/L)
  - Parti Communiste Ouvrier de Turquie (TKIP)
  - Parti-Front Populaire de Libération de la Turquie/Avant-garde Révolutionnaire du Peuple (THKP-C/HDÖ)
  - Proletari Armati per il Comunismo
  - Rote Armee Fraktion
  - Tendencia Democrática Revolucionaria
  - Union des Communistes Révolutionnaires de Turquie (TIKB)
  - Unione dei Comunisti Combattenti

Environnementalistes Environnementalistes
  - Anti OGM
  - Anti-Nucléaires
  - Bio-Technologies
  - Earth Liberation Front
  - Etats-Unis
  - Lutte contre le TAV
  - Marco Camenisch
  - Solidarios con Itoitz (Espagne)

Libération animale Libération animale
  - Animal Liberation Front (ALF)
  - Campagne contre Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS)
  - Peter Young

Libération Nationale Libération Nationale
  - Afro-Américain
  - Amérindien
  - Assam
  - Balouchte
  - Basque
  - Breton
  - Catalan
  - Chiapas
  - Corse
  - Galicien
  - Irlandais
  - Karen
  - Kurde
  - Mapuche
  - Palestinien
  - Papou
  - Porto-Ricain
  - Sarde
  - Tamoul
  - Touareg

Luttes & Prison Luttes & Prison
  - Belgique
  - Contre les FIES
  - Contre les type F (Turquie)
  - Journée Internationale du Révolutionnaire Prisonnier
  - Moulins-Yzeure (24 novembre 2003)
  - Mutinerie de Clairvaux (16 avril 2003)

Manifs & Contre-Sommet(s) Manifs & Contre-Sommet(s)
  - Manifestations anti-CPE (Mars 2006)
  - Sommet de l’Union Européenne de Laeken (14 décembre 2001)
  - Sommet du G8 à Gênes en juillet 2001
  - Sommet européen de Thessalonique (Juin 2003)

Maoistes Maoistes
  - Parti Communiste de l’Inde - Maoïste
  - Parti Communiste des Philippines
  - Parti Communiste du Népal (Maoïste)
  - Parti Communiste du Pérou
  - Parti Communiste Maoïste (MKP)
  - Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party

Répression Répression
  - Allemagne
  - Belgique
  - Espagne
  - France
  - Italie
  - Suisse

Sabotages & Actions Sabotages & Actions
Présentation de l'APAAPA ?
Publiée le 2 octobre 2006

- (2005) Opération "Nottetempo"

Update Nottetempo (Anglais)

During the hearing held on September 28, six witnesses for the prosecution made their deposition. The first was Maria Luisa Lodeserto, the ex-director of Regina Pacis’ sister, who referred to the fire attack carried out against her home in Lecce on August 19 2005. Then two police officers exposed the usual police reports concerning the two-year investigation on the Lecce anarchists. Mr Mondelli‘s deposition followed. He is the expert who ‘studied’ various written slogans and claims of attacks and confronted them with written diaries seized in the houses of anarchists. In his report Mr Mondelli had pointed out that it was impossible to establish any certain connection between the written slogans and the anarchists’ diaries because he had never seen the original versions of the slogans but only photocopies. During his deposition, however, he tried to maintain that his final examination was sufficient to prove that the anarchists were the authors of the slogans and the claims under investigation. In fact, he seemed to back up the public prosecutors’ thesis and made his best not to answer appropriately to the defence’s counter-examination. Not by chance, this expert used to work as a police officer. Finally Cesare Lodeserto, accompanied by two bodyguards, made a three-hour deposition. During his delirium, this arrogant priest, torturer of immigrants, said a series of lies and nonsense, which can be summarised as follows :
- The revolts inside the camp Regina Pacis and the many attempts of escape were stirred up by the anarchists demonstrating outside. The priest contradicted himself by maintaining that in the last period episodes of self-wounding, revolts and attempts of escape were everyday events (whereas the anarchists’ protests outside the camp were not).
- The main reason of the protests against the director of the camp was the charge of embezzlement against the latter ( !). He claimed therefore that the anarchists had no reason to protest against him as he was then cleared of the accusation. It is true that the court had cleared him of that accusation, thanks to all his important protectors, but it is also true that he was sentenced for private violence and kidnapping against the immigrants imprisoned in the camp (whom Lodeserto called ‘guests’ during his deposition !). Shame that he was freed after a few days of house arrest.
- The reason of the struggle against the CPTs only derives from the Bossi-Fini law on immigration.
- As many ‘guests’ of the detention centre had spent a period in the Italian prisons before arriving in the camp waiting for the deportation, it is obvious that these ‘criminals’ were the leaders of the revolts that continually broke out in Regina Pacis (and that were stirred up by the anarchists, of course). The priest was then questioned about a series of specific episodes concerning revolts inside the camp. In particular, during an attempt of mass escape that occurred on August 10 2004, Vali, a 29 years old immigrant from Moldovia, fell down the wall surrounding the camp and remained paralysed. The defence pointed out how Vali was punched and kicked by the cops on guard in the camp after he fell down. On the contrary, the priest claimed that he and his collaborators tried to help Vali. This is one of the biggest lies the priest told in his deposition : not only Vali was beaten after he fell down, but he was also totally abandoned by Lodeserto and his gang. It was thanks to the solidarity of the local anarchists that Vali was moved in a special clinic in Bologna, where he is still being treated. Finally the priest exposed a series of attacks against him, including the one when a Lecce comrade spitted at him (June 2006). The comrade was then accused of insulting religion and must face trial on November 9. The next hearing will be held on November 23.

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